Beth OttersteinDirector

Current Profession: Retired Family Nurse Practitioner

Interests/Hobbies or Fun Fact(s):

I am retired after working my last 6 years at North Country HealthCare in OB/GYN and the forensic nursing program. My 50 years of nursing has been spent serving Flagstaff’s community health needs with an emphasis in women’s health.

My husband and I have raised two children in Flagstaff; he has also worked in areas of community service. We love this mountain town and support it in ways that can help other families live as happily and beneficially as we have been able to do.

I enjoy the difficulties of gardening at this altitude and am just beginning the Master Gardening class. We also love being outdoors in our beautiful surroundings.

Why I believe in/support North Country HealthCare: I appreciate the opportunity to serve on the Foundation Board! I feel I have a unique perspective as a past employee, a health care worker and a longtime resident of Flagstaff. I appreciate the concerns of various consumers of health and hope that I can participate in foundation work to ease some of these through the care given at North Country. I am particularly interested in special populations having equal access to quality healthcare.

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